
These are some resources that I recommend, including websites, books, etc.  This list is not limited to political resources.  The non-political resources have, however, greatly impacted my thinking about politics although they are not explicitly political.  They have impacted how I see life, and I don’t believe politics can be separated from the rest of life.

Also, I do not necessarily agree with all of the information in any of these resources, but I do think they are at least thought provoking.  Finally, most, if not all, of the links to a product that you can purchase are affiliate links, meaning that I make some money if you buy the product by clicking on the link.  I am telling you this for a simple reason: the government says I have to.  See 16 CFR, Part 255.

Political Websites:

Non-Political Books:

Political Books:

  • I’ll be adding these soon!